


22 2月 2019
about Satoko

ロンドンに本社を置くKaplan Internationalで、英語教育部門の日本統括マネージャーと進学部門の経営企画室シニアマネージャーを兼任しながらもパワフルに働くチャーチル聡子が、自身の15年にわたる海外生活を基に、キャリアにおける英語や日本人にとっての英語などをバイリンガルの視点から分析するコラム。これからは、英語が当たり前となってくる時代。そこで重宝される人材になるには。。。英語と日本語の両方で書かれているので、英語の勉強にも是非お使いください。

English and Career prologue





After graduating from University, I went to Australia to teach Japanese at secondary school level. Because of my father’s work, from early childhood until I left home to study at university I was always surrounded by international students, who had a healthy appetite for learning about all aspects of Japan. My parents took good care of these students, and tried to treat them as members of the family. Continuous encounter with new and unknown lives outside Japan was an invigorating experience, and even though I was only a small child, I was proud to be their ‘teacher’, telling them about Japan. In hindsight, becoming a language teacher was something of a natural path. I wanted to introduce the ‘real’ Japan to the world, the multitude of beautiful things Japan offers.



After teaching for seven years, I moved to London. By then, I was ready to change my career. Although I am still heavily involved in education, my interests and focus have shifted to people from my own country. I want to help Japanese people learn more about Japan and themselves through the study-abroad experience. This may sound paradoxical, but from my own experience, I learn more about my own cultural heritage by being overseas. Living abroad has the effect of broadening the mind outwards and inwards. Without realising it, you explore your internal world deeper, raising questions about your own existence, your cultural values, and so on. I have always believed that the encounter with things that are foreign is a wonderful way of discovering who you are.



It has been more than 20 years since I left Japan and I have steadily built my career overseas. I have been very fortunate to experience a wide range of jobs – sales, customer service, marketing, project management – these at various organisations including a global corporation, and an IT vendor to self-employed entrepreneurs.  I do not hold specific skills such as programming or electrical engineering, so the key element for my career survival has been communication and empathy.



I sincerely hope that the series that I have been given the opportunity to write here will inspire readers to explore life outside their usual boundaries, and bring the overseas experience and English language much closer to their lives.



Satoko Churchill