


5 11月 2017




Leyla sunglasses




Leyla Liverpool fashion


だってここは、風と、雨などの天候に備えは必要というもの。そう!レインコート、帽子、スカーフに履き心地が良いブーツも必須よ。これらのアイテムはもちろん、リバプールで購入できるし、でも、もしお金を使いたくないなんていう人は、街のアウトレットショップ「TK Maxx」に行くのが賢い選択。ここなら、「Timberland 」のブーツも他のショップより半額近くのプライスで買えちゃう。どこの場所か?って、この「TK Maxx 」は、わたしが働く語学学校、カプラン インターナショナル イングリッシュ・リバプール校からわずか10分とアクセス良好!



カプラン リバプール校


In my opinion, anything that looks good and feels good is fashionable. What we wear is a way for us to show our character. The British culture likes people to be free and original. People can wear what they like. We have many different styles. If you like shopping, Liverpool is brilliant. We have got vintage shops, modern shops, second hand shops, expensive shops, cheap shops, market stalls, discount stores and online shopping. You can find all the latest fashion here and we are a lot cheaper than other big cities. 

We had the biggest fashion event in England here last month. The city was full of fashion shows and very fashionable people. Many famous designers from all around the world showcased their collections on catwalks with models and photographers showing their clothes. The atmosphere was brilliant. I went to the vintage part of the event. I bought a beautiful pair of sunglasses which I wore a few times during the summer. I am going to wear them again next year. I think they are fabulous. I usually wear smart casual clothes during the week and sporty clothes at the weekend. I hardly ever get dressed up but there are a lot of people in Liverpool who like to get dressed up. Especially people who like to go clubbing at the weekend. 

If you are arriving in Liverpool in autumn, bring warm clothes. Be prepared for rainy and windy weather. Don’t forget your raincoat, hat, scarf and comfortable boots. You can buy everything here too. If you don’t want to spend too much money but like famous brands then you can go to the outlet store in town. It’s called TK Maxx. There you can buy a pair of Timberland boots for less than half the price and much more. TK Maxx is a ten minute walk from Kaplan. When you are in Liverpool, wear what you like. Be comfortable, casual, fancy, sporty, elegant, smart, you choose. Whatever you wear is acceptable here. If you dress well, every type of weather is enjoyable too.


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