


加拿大是自然與文化的完美結合。 從藝術畫廊和多樣化的美食到冒險運動和閃閃發光的冰川,無論您正在尋找什麼樣的英語學習體驗,您都可以在加拿大找到。

在溫哥華的海天美景或多倫多的文化大熔爐中開始您的加拿大學習冒險。 前往尼亞加拉大瀑布,這是世界上最偉大的自然奇觀之一,完成您的英語學習體驗。 在與來自世界各地的新朋友一起通過令人興奮的社交活動探索加拿大的同時,與友好的當地人一起練習英語。




English book


Students 30+
專為 30+ 設計的英語學校

我們位於紐約中央公園的 30+ 英語學校享有公園和城市標誌性天際線的壯麗景色,在曼哈頓中心與志同道合的學生一起學習英語,依循著為遠大目標的職業驅動型學習者設計的定制課程。







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Frequently asked questions about studying English in Canada

Why learn English in Canada?

Canada is the perfect mix between culture, excitement and stunning landscapes. You’ll not only be able to fully immerse yourself in the English language, but you’ll get to explore the very best of what the country has to offer, from the artisanal makers and entrepreneurs of Vancouver to the iconic landmarks of Toronto (think Niagara Falls and the CN Tower). If you’re looking to improve your English skills and explore this unique country, then our Kaplan courses in Canada could be perfect for you. 

Why study with Kaplan?

With more than 80 years of experience in education, Kaplan is an expert at ensuring students reach their language goals. We offer a range of courses to suit your language needs, including Exam Preparation courses, Semi-Intensive and Intensive programs, and Business English – all of which follows our unique curriculum designed to keep students engaged. On select courses, we also offer Guaranteed Progress, which means we promise you’ll advance one level for every 10 weeks of study or your money back. Choosing to study with Kaplan means choosing to set yourself up for success.

Where can I study English in Canada?

We have two schools in Canada; one in Vancouver, and one in Toronto. The former is perfect if you want to study in a city close to mountains perfect for skiing on and beaches, while the latter is great if you want an authentic city experience, whilst also being close to the US.

We also offer a dedicated 30+ school exclusively for students aged 30 and over, based in Toronto.

What is the best program to study English in Canada?

Kaplan offers a variety of courses for you to choose from depending on your language goals. At our Canada schools we offer General English, Semi-Intensive and Intensive courses. To help you prepare for a specific goal, we also offer Exam Preparation courses for the IETLS and TOEFL® language exams as well as Business Supplementary courses. To find out more about what each school offers, please visit the individual school pages.