30 Plus


倫敦 30+




提供 30+ 課程
Students 30+
  • 我們 30+ 英語學校位於一座美麗的喬治亞風格建築內
  • 專注於以專業或學術為重點的課程——參加密集的一對一課程,如工程英語、醫學或法律
  • 安排頻繁的社交活動和激動人心的演講講座,提供對英國不同專業和商業環境的洞察
  • 定制社交活動,包括酒吧之夜、藝術畫廊和博物館參觀、遊船和 VIP 活動(應需求提供)

為 30 歲以上成人量身定制的英語課程和活動

我們的 30+ 課程非常適合想要在專業和專注環境中學習英語的忙碌學生。通過與同齡學生一起學習和我們為職業學生專量身定制的課程, 您可以輕鬆達到你的目標 。我們提供額外的學術課程. 加上30 多所Kaplan學校的完善設施,讓您盡情享受各種社交活動和豐富您的語言技能。




School Information

關於我們倫敦 30+ 英語學校


white board
study room


  • 大學安置服務:

我們與全球優質的大學和學院建立了密切的合作關系,我們的大學安置服務 (UPS) 為在Kaplan就讀的學生提供到那裏學習的機會。了解更多

  • 教師資格證:

所有教師都具有學士學位教育水平,並且通過 CELTA 或其同等資格。部分教師更擁有應用語言學的高級 DELTA 資格,PGCE 或 MA

  • 認證考試場地

我們的倫敦學校是Trinity exam centre和 CELTA 培訓中心

  • 學校公共假期:


  • 倫敦學校審計報告

本校受到監管機構的審核,您可以在線上閱讀針對我們位於倫敦的英語學校的 the British Council's 最新線上報告


這所 Kaplan 國際語言學校獲得了英國文化協會的認可,並且是 English UK 的成員。這些都是備受推崇的組織,代表並幫助維護該國最好的英語語言學校。

*學生推薦基於 2018 年接受調查的 Kaplan 學生。

British Council
English UK

倫敦 30+ 學生住宿

Accommodation is sometimes arranged by an agency


  • 與我們精心挑選的當地家庭居住在一起
  • 與寄宿家庭一起享受早晚餐
  • 在自然的語言環境下練習英文
  • 沈浸在新的文化中


  • 與我們精心挑選的當地家庭居住在一起
  • 與寄宿家庭一起享受早晚餐
  • 在自然的語言環境下練習英文
  • 沈浸在新的文化中

Scape Shoreditch


Scape Shoreditch 坐落在老街旁一個安靜的街區上,距離肖爾迪奇僅一分鐘的步行路程。學生們都喜歡這個充滿活力的社區,有無數酒吧和餐廳供您選擇。每間獨立套房都為學生提供完全的隱私,配有舒適的雙人床、私人浴室、40 英寸高清電視、寬大的書桌、充足的存儲空間和附設小廚房。

該住宅擁有 24 小時健身房、覆蓋各處的超高速 WiFi、現場維護、電影院和遊戲室、帶燒烤設施的屋頂露台、自動販賣機、自助洗衣店和自行車店。設有共用休息室以及公用廚房和用餐區。

Scape Shoreditch

Scape Shoreditch 坐落在老街旁一個安靜的街區上,距離肖爾迪奇僅一分鐘的步行路程。學生們都喜歡這個充滿活力的社區,有無數酒吧和餐廳供您選擇。每間獨立套房都為學生提供完全的隱私,配有舒適的雙人床、私人浴室、40 英寸高清電視、寬大的書桌、充足的存儲空間和附設小廚房。

該住宅擁有 24 小時健身房、覆蓋各處的超高速 WiFi、現場維護、電影院和遊戲室、帶燒烤設施的屋頂露台、自動販賣機、自助洗衣店和自行車店。設有共用休息室以及公用廚房和用餐區。

Scape Wembley

  • Offers modern studio rooms

  • Private kitchens and bathrooms
  • Common spaces include a cinema room and communal kitchen
  • Private and shared bathrooms available
Scape Wembley

Located in Wembley Park, Scape Wembley has everything you need to stay in one of the most exciting cities in the world. A stone's throw from central London, Wembley Park is a melting pot of culture with many restaurants and bars lining the streets, including the famous Wembley Stadium, which hosts sports events and concerts all year. The residence itself offers modern studio rooms with private kitchens and bathrooms, meaning you can truly relax after a busy day in the capital. The beautiful common spaces include a cinema room and communal kitchen; perfect for socialising and practising your English after class and an on-site gym makes it easy to stay fit whilst you study.

  • Offers modern studio rooms

  • Private kitchens and bathrooms
  • Common spaces include a cinema room and communal kitchen
  • Private and shared bathrooms available
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Scape Canada Water

  • 獨立套房

  • 共享廚房

  • 劇院室

  • 健身房

  • 市中心位置

Scape Canada Water

Scape 位於 Canada Water,擁有您在異地讀書所需的一切,享受世界排名數一數二的大城市,這裡距倫敦市中心僅一箭之遙,鄰近城市標誌性的倫敦橋地區,Canada Water是一個河畔社區,靠近時尚的 Bermondsey,以其街頭食品市場和精釀啤酒著名,可以隨時拜訪Borough Market和The Shard。 住宅本身提供設有獨立衛浴的現代套房,和共用廚房、公共交誼空間包括電影室以及健身房。

  • 獨立套房

  • 共享廚房

  • 劇院室

  • 健身房

  • 市中心位置

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Urbanest Tower Bridge

  • Studio apartments and single ensuite rooms
  • A cinema room onsite
  • Large kitchen with living area
  • Communal relaxing & study areas 
  • 24 hour on-site support team
Urbanest Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge is one of the most iconic landmarks in London and Urbanest Tower Bridge is located just a stone’s throw away! Even though the Tower Bridge area is steeped in history, Spitalfields Market is also close by with an array of boutiques and food stalls; this really is a perfect location to experience London both old and new. There are both studio apartments and single ensuite rooms in shared flats available here and if you prefer socialise, there is even a cinema room onsite!

  • Studio apartments and single ensuite rooms
  • A cinema room onsite
  • Large kitchen with living area
  • Communal relaxing & study areas 
  • 24 hour on-site support team
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Urbanest Hoxton

  • Studio apartments and studio rooms
  • Complete with small double bed, built in desk and private bathroom
  • Laundry room service available
  • Plenty of storage and wardrobe space
  • Inclueds en-suite with shower
Urbanest Hoxton

New for Summer 2023. Located in the heart of Central London, Urbanest Hoxton is conveniently located for both school and socialising. Hoxton is well-known to be one of London’s trendiest neighbourhoods so whether you are interested in a rich arts scene, lively nightlife or diverse cultural experience, Urbanest Hoxton is the place for you. These modern studio apartments will provide an exceptional living experience during your trip to London. Complete with a small double bed, built in desk, galley kitchen, seating area and private bathroom, this really is a home away from home.

  • Studio apartments and studio rooms
  • Complete with small double bed, built in desk and private bathroom
  • Laundry room service available
  • Plenty of storage and wardrobe space
  • Inclueds en-suite with shower
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IQ Shoreditch

  • Offers luxurious accommodation with a suite of impressive social spaces including a sky lounge
  • Includes a gym, cinema room, art and dance studios, a courtyard
  • Studio rooms allow you to live independently and live the lifestyle that suits you
  • Close to some of London's best restaurants, bars and nightlife, and lovely Shoreditch Park and Regent's Canal
  • 2-minute walk from Old Street Tube
IQ Shoreditch

A 2-minute walk from Old Street Tube, IQ Shoreditch offers luxurious accommodation with a suite of impressive social spaces including a sky lounge. It’s studio rooms allow you to live independently and live the lifestyle that suits you. The accommodation is complemented by a range of excellent social and study areas. There is a gym, cinema room, art and dance studios, a courtyard, and a spacious top-floor sky lounge with incredible views across the city. IQ Shoreditch is just a short 20-minute tube to both schools. You will also be close to some of London's best restaurants, bars and nightlife, and lovely Shoreditch Park and Regent's Canal.

  • Offers luxurious accommodation with a suite of impressive social spaces including a sky lounge
  • Includes a gym, cinema room, art and dance studios, a courtyard
  • Studio rooms allow you to live independently and live the lifestyle that suits you
  • Close to some of London's best restaurants, bars and nightlife, and lovely Shoreditch Park and Regent's Canal
  • 2-minute walk from Old Street Tube
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Aldgate Residence

  • Offers modern studio accommodation to students in London, with onsite social spaces 
  • Small double bed, desk & chair, wardrobe and ensuite bathroom 
  • Kitchen includes microwave, sink, hob, fridge, dining area with a chair 
  • Games room, sky lounge, karaoke room and cinema room 
  • Time to the school: 32 mins by tube / LBR - 24 mins by tube
Aldgate Residence
  • Offers modern studio accommodation to students in London, with onsite social spaces 
  • Small double bed, desk & chair, wardrobe and ensuite bathroom 
  • Kitchen includes microwave, sink, hob, fridge, dining area with a chair 
  • Games room, sky lounge, karaoke room and cinema room 
  • Time to the school: 32 mins by tube / LBR - 24 mins by tube
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Battersea Residence


有关住宿的详细信息即将发布, 如果你想了解更多信息,请联系我们的顾问

Battersea Residence

有关住宿的详细信息即将发布, 如果你想了解更多信息,请联系我们的顾问

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我們 30+ 倫敦學校擁有多元化的社交計劃,旨在通過有組織的活動和旅行幫助您探索這座城市並建立專業和個人關係。



獲取有關我們的課程、學校和價格的友好建議。 了解更多信息,或立即預訂。 我們的顧問會講多種不同的語言,因此如果您希望用您自己的語言與我們聯繫,請在下面給我們的員工的消息中告訴我們。

我們將使用您的電話號碼致電或向您發送有關您的疑問的信息。在 Kaplan,我們還與授權經銷商合作,為您提供建議和支持。要了解有關我們如何處理和共享您的個人數據的更多信息請參閱我們的隱私政策。
