8 Tips for Nailing a Skype Interview

When applying for international jobs, it’s very likely that you might have to participate in a Skype interview. Although you’ll still be answering many of the same interview questions, there are a number of differences you need to keep in mind. You’ll be interacting with your interviewer face-to-face, but you’ll also have the benefit of being in your own space – whether that’s your home or another quiet place where you feel comfortable being interviewed.
We put together a list of things to keep in mind when engaging in a Skype interview. Take a look!
1. Dress the part
Act as if you are participating in a real, face-to-face interview. This means no pajamas! You’ll want to wear professional clothes just as if you were meeting the hiring manager in person.
2. Be on time
Make sure that you are at your computer and logged into Skype at least 15 minutes beforehand so that you’ve got time to react to any surprise technology glitches.
3. Consider the setting
You’ll want to make sure that the background is appropriate. What does the room you’re sitting in say about you? Will the interviewer see a messy and cluttered background? Or will the interviewer see you in a professional space? You’ll want to be in a quiet room ensuring that you can hear the interviewer and that they can hear you.
4. Make sure that you won't be interrupted
Tell your family and friends that you’ll be taking part in a Skype interview and that you can’t be disturbed.
5. Have a glass of water nearby
All that talking may get you thirsty and you don’t want to have to get up to get a drink. It's best to have it ready and next to you before the interview even starts, so you don't spend the whole interview thinking about how thirsty you are.
6. Make sure all your equipment is working
Check your computer system and ensure that your Internet provider won’t give you any problems. You’ll want to check the speakers and camera (if it’s a video interview). Try a free test call to ensure that everything is set up correctly.
7. Practice makes perfect
Interviews are nerve-wracking enough without having to also worry about speaking over Skype. Try calling a friend to get a feel for talking on camera. Role-play an interview scenario and try rehearsing answers to common interview questions.
Are you interviewing in English when that is not your native language? Take the time to ensure that your English skills are up to the standards that the role is asking for. Learn the key English terms needed for your role and use them during the interview to show them how experienced you are in the language.
8. Smile and relax!
The hiring manager has decided to interview you based on the strength of your application. That means that they’re very interested in your skills, your experience, and what you can offer the organization. You can relax and focus on highlighting your interest in the role and all your relevant competencies. Stay positive and be confident in your abilities.
Looking to improve your English for better career prospects? Check out our wide variety of Business English courses to find the right fit for you. Have any other questions about Skype interviews? Ask us in the comment section below.