Let Us Help You Go Further With Languages
Our students learn not just in the classroom, but out in the world through exploration and adventure. We believe in the power of language education to build connections, forge opportunities and enrich lives. We offer English, French and German courses in spectacular locations across the world.
80 years of excellence in education
Recommended by 96% of students
Schools in 8 countries across the world
Over 40,000 students from 150 countries each year
How we teach English
Our immersive courses plunge you into the living language. Learn through dynamic tuition, unique study materials, and fun excursions in a fascinating English-speaking culture.
You know a few simple words and phrases, but you have a very small vocabulary and can only communicate basic needs.
Exam levels
- TOEFL® 0–12
- IELTS 3.5–4.0
- CAMBRIDGE 100–120
- Kaplan English Language Test (Listening, Reading, and Grammar) 225–274
You can participate in simple conversations, read basic texts, and write simple notes and letters.
Exam levels
- TOEFL® 13–36
- IELTS 4.0–4.5
- Kaplan English Language Test (Listening, Reading, and Grammar) 275–349
You can participate in conversations about familiar topics, read longer texts, and write simple paragraphs.
Exam levels
- TOEFL® 37–54
- IELTS 4.5-5.5
- Kaplan English Language Test (Listening, Reading, and Grammar) 350–424
You can participate fully in more complex conversations, read more advanced texts and write a simple essay.
Exam levels
- TOEFL® 55–74
- IELTS 5.5–7.0
- Kaplan English Language Test (Listening, Reading, and Grammar) 425–499
You can handle most social and professional situations, explain complex thoughts fluently, and understand the general themes of radio and TV broadcasts.
Exam levels
- TOEFL® 75–91
- IELTS 7.0–7.5
- Kaplan English Language Test (Listening, Reading, and Grammar) 500-534
You can read demanding texts and handle long, in-depth discussions. You can understand and express subtle shades of meaning. You are very close to using the language like a native speaker.
Exam levels
- TOEFL® 92+
- IELTS 7.5+
- Kaplan English Language Test (Listening, Reading, and Grammar) 535+
The Kaplan International Languages Difference
Our students learn not just in the classroom, but out in the world through exploration and adventure.
Exceptional schools
Unforgettable experience
Outstanding academic results
Languages of opportunity
Becoming bilingual is like owning a magic key that lets you explore, work and make connections in places that you might otherwise never have been able to enter

More than a third of positions advertised by Bank of America in 2015 were for bilingual workers.

Being bilingual can improve your creativity – having two or more words for one idea can improve elasticity of thinking.

Speaking another language can enable you to study at prestigious universities around the world which operate in your non-native language.
Our teaching methodology: K+
Our schools offer a seamless blended learning system, integrating the power of full immersion, the best of modern teaching methods, and a sophisticated curriculum you can access wherever you are. K+, our unique package of books, online resources and clubs was designed by an international team of experts to help you learn fast – in the classroom, on the move, and at home.
Track your grades, search the grammar catalog and receive instant feedback on online activities, games and quizzes
Explore the key areas of language with interesting topics and exercises based on real-world scenarios
Socialize and practice your English skills at the same time with teacher-led study clubs
Tailor your online studies to suit your individual strengths and weaknesses with interactive questions, videos and audio examples
How we can help you go further with languages?

Study with us
Get in touch for a quote and full information on all our schools and courses